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26 June 2015
Mr. Gianluca Esposito, the Head of the Equality and Human Dignity Department of the Council of Europe explains how the Council of Europe is promoting Human Rights for all, including Persons with Disabilities.
Mr. Esposito, while attending the 8th…
05 June 2015
Today, an estimated 360 million people - over 5% of the world’s population – have disabling hearing loss (328 million adults and 32 million children). According to WHO, limited access to services and exclusion from communication can have a…
03 December 2014
Mr. Lenín Voltaire Moreno Garces of Ecuador is the United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy on Disability and Accessibility.
He is currently Chairperson of the Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Persons with…
08 October 2014
1. This year, we are celebrating the International Day of Older Persons under the theme "Leaving No One Behind: Promoting a Society for All". How can older persons campaign for their rights and raise awareness of the issues that are important to…
24 July 2014
Dr. Dalee Sambo Dorough, Chairperson, United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.
She is currently an Assistant Professor of Political Science at University of Alaska Anchorage; Alaska Member of the Inuit Circumpolar Council Advisory…
21 July 2014
1. What inspired and empowered you to take up swimming to make a difference in the world?
I started this adventure because I was deeply convinced of the importance of this campaign for persons with disabilities. Only in bringing this issue to light…
06 May 2014
1. Details of your organization, work, regions and accomplishments.
IFFD’s work on courses for parents began in Spain in the mid-sixties with the development of Family Enrichment programmes based on the case method: a useful way of promoting…
07 March 2014
1. In your book The Solution Revolution, what is the “solution revolution” and what is the “solution economy”?
The Solution Revolution refers to a burgeoning new economy where players from across the spectrum of business, government, philanthropy,…
06 March 2014
Ms. Amina Mohammed of Nigeria is the Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on Post-2015 Development Planning.
Ms. Mohammed was previously Senior Special Assistant to the President of Nigeria on the Millennium Development Goals after serving three…