- United Nations Social Development Network
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- Thematic Areas
11 January 2021 | Disabilities
Noncommunicable diseases now make up 7 of the world’s top 10 causes of death, according to WHO’s 2019 Global Health Estimates, published today. This is an increase from 4 of the 10 leading causes in 2000. The new data cover the period from 2000 to…
10 December 2020 | Disabilities
“These rights touch on every aspect of life: the right to go to school, to live in one’s community, to access health care, to start a family, to engage in political participation, to be able to play sport, to travel – and to have decent work,” UN …
04 December 2020 | Disabilities
One billion people – 15 per cent of the world’s population – currently have a disability, and 80 per cent of them live in developing countries. People with disabilities face significant challenges, including negative attitudes, stigma,…
04 December 2020 | Disabilities
The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues estimates that there are more than 370 million indigenous peoples around the world. Complementing this data, indigenous women’s organizations estimate that approximately 50 percent—roughly 185…
22 November 2020 | Disabilities
The world is faced with a global education emergency of unprecedented scale. According to estimates by the World Bank, the COVID-19 pandemic, at its peak, caused more than 180 countries to mandate temporary school closures, leaving 85 percent of the…
22 November 2020 | Disabilities
Commitments to end discrimination and eliminate all violence against women must have meaning to all those targeted by perpetrators and at risk thereof. Women and girls with disabilities rightly demand enjoyment of the full panoply of human rights to…
18 November 2020 | Disabilities
In May 2020, the International Labour Organization (ILO)'s Global Business and Disability Network conducted two surveys – one for National Business and Disability Networks (NBDN) and one for those networks’ company members – to identify good…
16 November 2020 | Disabilities
A coalition of seven global disability rights organisations have today called for urgent action by States and the international community to halt the catastrophic failure to protect the lives, health, and rights of persons with disabilities during…
03 November 2020 | Disabilities
With the devastating impact of COVID-19, cities everywhere are facing key challenges in ensuring that the basic needs of people living in hardship are met. As cities implement actions to strengthen public services in the face of the pandemic, they…
12 October 2020 | Disabilities
Equity for students with disabilities. Have you made an allowance for students with disabilities to be transported to school? If public transport is their only option, are you discussing transport options with public transport operators? Have you…
18 August 2020 | Disabilities
COVID-19 pandemic has “starkly exposed” the heightened vulnerability and risks to persons with disabilities, a major meeting convened to discuss the international treaty that supports persons with disabilities.
In the first online session for the…
23 March 2020 | Disabilities
Asia and the Pacific is home to an estimated 690 million persons with disabilities. Persons with disabilities face barriers to full and effective participation in society, with many having intersecting disadvantages when disabilities interact with…