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Poverty Eradication
22 September 2014 | Poverty Eradication
Lack of access to electricity is a serious issue in the Asia-Pacific region, with around 628 million people lacking access to energy services such as lighting, cold storage, and energy for income generating activities.
The Pro-Poor Public-Private-…
18 September 2014 | Poverty Eradication, Youth
Education will be central to the success of the international targets that will replace the Millennium Development Goals when they expire in 2015. That’s the key point of a new booklet that will be released when the 69th Session of the United…
18 September 2014 | Poverty Eradication, Youth
Education will be central to the success of the international targets that will replace the Millennium Development Goals when they expire in 2015. That’s the key point of a new booklet that will be released when the 69th Session of the United…
17 September 2014 | Poverty Eradication
The United Nations General Assembly opened its 69th annual session today with the body's new President declaring that it would be a historic opportunity to formulate a post-2015 development agenda that is transformative, brings tangible results in…
16 September 2014 | Poverty Eradication
Closing the current session in the newly-renovated General Assembly Hall, President John Ashe today expressed gratitude to Member States for their cooperation in focusing on perhaps the biggest generational challenge of the United Nations: crafting…
15 September 2014 | Poverty Eradication
The deliberations on the post-2015 development agenda have emphasized the need for strong monitoring and accountability. In addition to accountability at the global and national levels, there are calls for a strong focus on the regional dimension…
10 September 2014 | Poverty Eradication
The World Bank Group’s Executive Directors discussed a new Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for Argentina covering fiscal years 2015-2018. Executive Directors broadly endorsed the strategy’s overall goals designed to sustain social gains and…
03 September 2014 | Poverty Eradication
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Caribbean face a number of development challenges. Although they are ranked at medium and high levels in the UN Human Development index, inequalities are growing and many residents face low standards of…
02 September 2014 | Poverty Eradication
A United Nations conference focusing on the role of civil society in shaping the global development agenda beyond 2015 concluded in New York today with a declaration that will serve as an “Action Agenda” in the lead-up to negotiations on the future…
29 August 2014 | Poverty Eradication, Women
Integrating digital payments into the economies of emerging and developing nations addresses crucial issues of broad economic growth and individual financial empowerment, according to a new report by the World Bank Development Research Group.
29 August 2014 | Poverty Eradication, Women
Integrating digital payments into the economies of emerging and developing nations addresses crucial issues of broad economic growth and individual financial empowerment, according to a new report by the World Bank Development Research Group.
28 August 2014 | Poverty Eradication
The Honourable State Minister, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Planning, M.A. Mannan MP, launched the Bangladesh Poverty Maps 2010 on 27 Aug. This is the third generation of poverty maps in Bangladesh, which is an important statistical…