UNPFII Member Helen Kaljuläte
Ms. Helen Kaljuläte
2004: MA Executive, Amsterdam School of International Relations, University of Amsterdam
2001: MA, Central European University, Budapest
2000: BA Tartu University, Estonia
2009-present: Officer responsible for UN Affairs, Human Rights and Gender Affairs (Division of International Organisations), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia
2007-2009: Officer responsible Human Rights and Gender Affairs (including UNIFEM, ECOSOC), Budgetary Affairs and Security Council issues, Permanent Mission of Estonia to the United Nations in New York
2006: Human Rights Adviser, European Union Presidency Team, Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations in New York
2005-2006: Human Rights Officer (Division of International Organisations), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia
2002-2004: Press Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia
2001: Executive Officer, European Integration Department, Ministry of Economic Affairs of Estonia
2010: Coordinator, Working Group for the compilation of Estonia’s Action Plan for the implantation of UNSCR 1325(2000) Women, Peace and Security, 2010-2014
2009: Member of the Working Group for the compilation of Estonia’s Development Plan against Violence
2005-2010: Representative of Estonia at the Commission of Human Rights (2005), the Human Rights Council (2006-2010), ECOSOC (2006-2010), the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (2007-2009) and the Commission on the Status of Women (2007-2009).
2006: Member of Delegation of Estonia at the presentation of Estonia’s regular report to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)