UNPFII11 - National Human Rights Institutions

Participation of National Human Rights Institutions

National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) meeting the following criteria may attend the Eleventh Session of the UNPFII as observers:

  • Those institutions which are accredited by the International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (ICC) as in compliance with the Paris Principles ("A status" institutions);

  • The ICC as the representative body of NHRIs globally;

  • Regional coordinating committees of NHRIs, speaking on behalf of "a status” institution, in line with the strict criteria agreed upon by the ICC at its 19th session in March 2007.

Those bodies meeting these criteria that wish to participate as observers at the Eleventh Session of the UNPFII should send a letter of request by email or fax before 23 April 2012.

The accreditation request should:

-be submitted on official letterhead;

-be signed by the President or main representative of the NHRI;

-indicate the first name and family name of the person(s) who will represent the NHRI at the eleventh session of the UNPFII (NB: names must appear exactly as they appear on the person’s ID document and family names must be capitalized).

Accreditation request letters should sent to Ms. Mirian Masaquiza at: 1 917 367 5102(fax) or masaquiza@un.org