Ensuring Healthy Ageing for All: Challenges and Opportunities in an Ageing World

The side event provides a platform to examine the key challenges and persistent gaps in ensuring healthy ageing for all in an ageing world. Participants will share experiences, explore opportunities, and discuss practical, sustainable solutions to enhance healthcare access, economic security, social inclusion, and supportive environments for older persons. The discussion will contribute to advancing global efforts toward an age-inclusive society, ensuring that ageing remains a central priority in sustainable development and human rights agendas.

UN 2026 Water Conference, United Arab Emirates, 2-4 December 2026- Call for Special Accreditation

The 2026 United Nations Water Conference, co-hosted by the United Arab Emirates and Senegal, will convene in the UAE from 2-4 December 2026.

Special accreditation for Non-governmental Organizations and other Stakeholders (including Indigenous Peoples) is now open until 21 March 2025.


Registration for the 24th Session of the UNPFII

Participants from NGOs with ECOSOC Status, accredited Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations (IPOs) and academia may register via INDICO for the 24th session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII2025).

Please note that it is the responsibility of your organization to approve your registration. Once you have registered, please contact your organization focal point for approval.

Important note for conference focal points