Addendum to the Programme of Work for 24th Session of UNPFII

Please note that an addendum to the Programme of Work for the 24th Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues will be formally announced and provided shortly.

The Secretary-General has informed all Member States that due to the worsening liquidity situation, that with immediate effect: “All meeting bodies with a session of 10 meetings or more are to reduce their number of meetings by at least 10% and adjust their programmes  of work accordingly.”

Commission for Social Development Concludes Session, Recommends 5 Resolutions to UN ECOSOC

The 63rd session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD63), held from 10 to 14 February 2025, concluded with a focus on addressing systemic challenges such as poverty, hunger, and social exclusion. The Commission underscored the importance of gender equality, human rights, and the promotion of social cohesion as fundamental to creating just and inclusive societies.

Accreditation for UNPFII 2025 is now closed

Participation in the annual session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) is open to Member States, the UN and other intergovernmental organizations, Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations (IPOs), academia accredited to the Permanent Forum and Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) in consultative status with ECOSOC.  Indigenous parliamentarians and National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) may also be invited to attend. 

UN calls for innovative solutions to strengthen social inclusion and social cohesion to advance the SDGs

With renewed urgency to tackle inequalities and restore trust in public institutions, the 63rd session of the UN Commission for Social Development (CSocD63) will run from 10 to 14 February in New York. It will focus on scaling up investments in inclusive economic and social policies and fostering governance grounded in equity, transparency, and participation—ultimately guided by the Sustainable Development Goals.